Local Neighborhood Police Officer (NPO): Neighborhood Patrol District: West Division: Commander Stephanie Ricks
Link to Fort Worth Police Crime Mapping web site:
Link to Fort Worth Police Crime Mapping web site:
- CrimeMapping.com - Helping You Build a Safer Community
- Link to Citizens on Patrol Information:
- Citizens on Patrol

Fort Worth list of Neighborhood Associations

Code Compliance Issues
Fort Worth Solid Waste
- Garbage & Recycling – Welcome to the City of Fort Worth (fortworthtexas.gov)
- Every Wednesday morning. Place the brown garbage, blue recycling & green yard waste cart on the curb no later than 7 a.m. on your pickup day. Set out cart no earlier than 6 p.m. the night before your pickup day. Do not set them in the street, place them in your driveway or on your yard and space them about 3ft apart so the equipment can pick the carts up.
- Garbage, recycling and yard waste missed collections must be reported within 24 hours after your pickup day. Call (817) 392-1234
- Bulky Items are picked up the week of the fourth Monday. Place bulky items on the curb by 7 a.m. Monday of your assigned week. You may place items on the curb as early as 6 p.m. the Friday before your assigned week. Crews have until the following Saturday at 5 p.m. to pick up bulky items.
Fort Worth Water Department:
Oncor Outage Map!