Annual Membership
per item
Annual membership fee is required to be a voting member in the association. One fee per household is due once per calendar year. Dues are payable on our website or by cash, check, credit card in person at any general membership meeting.
See information per current by-laws-
- Annual membership dues for the calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31 shall be set by the Board of Directors.
- To be a member of the Association and eligible to vote at general membership meetings, an adult resident must have paid dues for the calendar year in which voting occurs.
a. At any general membership meeting, dues may be paid allowing eligibility to vote up to the time a vote is called.
C. Disbursement of dues and/or assessments, other than administrative obligations, shall be made by the Treasurer only after prior approval and consent of the Board of Directors.
- NewresidentsthatmoveintotheAssociationatanytimeaftertheJanuary collection of dues may opt to pay the full amount or waive voting rights until the next calendar year.
- Membership dues may be adjusted annually on the recommendation of the Executive Board, provided that:
- (1) dues shall not be increased by more than fifty percent (50%) in any twelve month period unless approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Association voting membership, and
- (2) any increase shall be approved by the voting membership at a regularly scheduled meeting.